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183 results found in Bermuda for the restaurants
Little Pomander Guest House

16 Pomander Rd., Paget Parish, Bermuda, PG 05

La-Casa-Del-Masa Guest Suites

Pembroke Park, 7 Eves Hill Ln., Pembroke Parish, Bermuda, HM 07

Wade's Garden Inn

2 Hampton Head Court, Southampton Parish, Bermuda, SN 04

Eight & Vine Restaurant
Discover a new dining experience on 8 Front St, Hamilton, Bermuda, with creative food, unique beverages, and an upbeat environment. The venue offers indoor dining, a comfortable bar, patio seating, and a waterfront section with magnificent...

8 Front St. (Next To The Ferry Terminal), City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM08

13 York Street, Saint George, Bermuda, GE 05

  An upscale, but casual, North American bistro themed restaurant. Java Jive is our gourmet cafe & Rumbar our South Beach style bar.   From a simple boardroom lunch to a full sit down dinner for 100, to a multiple food...

29 Victoria Street, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM11

The award-winning Flanagan's Irish Pub is one of Bermuda's most popular watering holes. Conveniently located in the heart of Front Street and serving your favourite pub dishes as well as American and local fare, Flanagans is not to be...

Emporium Bldg., 69 Front St., City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 12

Hotel Pension Plan & Restaurant Pension Plans

Christensen Bldg., 55 Dundonald St., City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 10

Nearly a century ago, Cambridge Beaches originated as the first cottage-style lodging in Bermuda. The spacious property is located on a slender, exclusive peninsula that is encircled by sparkling bay and ocean waves. The peninsula has been...

30 Kings Point Rd., Somerset, Bermuda, MA 02

Pssst offers a variety of pizzas, salads, subs and sandwiches, sweets and treats, including vegan and gluten-free options. There is table seating for 10, inside and on the terrace, in addition to takeout service.

121 Front Street, City of Hamilton, Bermuda

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